Identifying and Fixing Your Amazon Suppressed Listings Easily

Identifying and Fixing Your Amazon Suppressed Listings Easily: Here’s How!

Amazon Suppressed Listings

Identifying and Fixing Your Amazon Suppressed Listings Easily: Here’s How!

Creating a listing on Amazon Seller Central can be a complex process with various challenges that sellers may encounter. Making a listing active and available for purchase can take time and effort. Amazon suppressed listings have implications for sellers, as they can negatively impact sales and visibility on Amazon. Sellers need to understand why Amazon seller central suppressed listings and learn how to address and fix these issues to ensure they are active and visible to potential customers.

In this article, we will delve into the common errors leading to Amazon suppressed listings, discuss how to identify Amazon seller central suppressed listings, explore the process of resolving errors to reactivate listings, and provide guidance on finalizing and checking the status of listings.

Common Errors Leading to Amazon Suppressed Listings

1. Incorrect Brand Names And Upcs:

One common error that can lead to listing suppression on Amazon is using unregistered brand names or incorrect UPCs. Amazon may suppress the listing if the brand name used in the listing needs to be registered or the UPC provided needs to be corrected. Amazon requires sellers to provide accurate and valid brand information to ensure authenticity and transparency in product listings. To avoid this error, sellers must double-check and verify the brand name and UPC before creating their listings.

2. Non-Compliant Information With Amazon's Policies:

Another common error that can result in listing suppression is providing non-compliant information that violates Amazon's policies. It can include incorrect titles, bullet points, descriptions, or images that do not adhere to Amazon's guidelines. Amazon may suppress listings with non-compliant content. To avoid this, sellers should carefully review and ensure all listing information follows Amazon's policies and procedures. It includes using accurate and descriptive titles, providing correct and detailed product descriptions, and using images that comply with Amazon's image guidelines, such as having a white background and no text or logos.

By being mindful of these common errors and ensuring brand registration, accurate UPCs, and compliance with Amazon's policies, sellers can increase the chances of their listings being active and visible to potential customers.

Identifying Amazon Seller Central Suppressed Listings

1. Checking The Status And Understanding The Different Indicators:

To identify Amazon suppressed listings, sellers can navigate to the Seller Central dashboard and check the status of their listings. The transcript mentions that different status indicators are used to provide information about the listings. These indicators can include "active," "inactive out of stock," or "suppressed."

By reviewing the status of their listings, sellers can quickly identify whether a listing is suppressed or experiencing other issues that prevent it from being active and available for purchase. Understanding the different status indicators helps sellers gain insights into the current state of their listings and take appropriate actions to address any problems.

2. Accessing The Edit Page To View Specific Errors:

When a listing is suppressed, sellers can click on the edit button for that particular listing. This action allows them to access the edit page to view the errors causing the suppression. The transcript highlights that errors can be found in various fields, such as offers and images.

By examining the edit page, sellers can pinpoint the areas or fields where errors exist and are causing the listing to be suppressed. This step is crucial for understanding the issues that must be addressed to reactivate the listing. It provides sellers with a clear view of the errors and guides them toward the necessary corrective actions to make the listing active again.

Resolving Errors to Reactivate Amazon Suppressed Listings

1. Examine the Errors In Various Fields, Such As Offers and Images:

To reactivate Amazon suppressed listings, sellers must sift through each area, such as offers and images, for errors or missing information. Common mistakes could include missing pricing, incorrect product variations, or non-compliant photos.

By thoroughly reviewing each field, sellers can identify the specific errors preventing the listing from being active. This step allows them to understand the areas that need attention and correction comprehensively.

2. Process For Addressing Missing Information Or Non-Compliant Content:

Once errors are identified, sellers should address the missing information or correct any non-compliant content in the fields. It's always better to have a step-by-step process to resolve these issues.

For example, if the error lies in the offer section, sellers must provide the missing information, such as the correct country and region details. It ensures that the listing meets Amazon's requirements and allows for proper fulfillment.

In the case of non-compliant images, sellers should remove any logos, text, or other elements that violate Amazon's image guidelines. They can then upload pictures that align with Amazon's policy, such as those with a white background and no additional text or watermarks.

By meticulously addressing the errors in each field and ensuring compliance with Amazon's guidelines, sellers increase the chances of reactivating their listings successfully. This step-by-step process allows for a systematic and thorough approach to resolving the issues and making the listing active again.

Finalizing and Checking Listing Status

1. Saving And Finishing The Listing After Addressing All Errors:

Once sellers have addressed all the errors and made the necessary corrections, saving and finishing the listing is crucial. This action ensures that the updated information is properly saved and submitted by Amazon's systems for review. By saving and finishing the listing, sellers apply the changes they made to rectify the Amazon seller central suppressed status.

2. Waiting For At Least One Hour Before Checking The Listing's Status:

After saving and finishing the listing, it is essential to allow time for Amazon's systems to update the listing status. The transcript suggests waiting approximately one hour before rechecking the listing's status. This waiting period ensures that the changes made to the listing have taken effect and have been processed by Amazon's backend systems.

With ample time for the update process, sellers can more accurately assess whether the Amazon seller central suppressed status has been resolved and the listing is now active. This waiting period allows the necessary backend processes to occur, ensuring that the listing's status reflects the changes made.


Maintaining compliance and accuracy in listings is crucial for success on Amazon. Adhering to Amazon's policies ensures that the listings meet the platform's standards and guidelines. Providing accurate information helps customers make informed buying decisions and builds trust.

Regularly reviewing and updating listings is essential to maintain visibility and improve sales on Amazon. By ensuring that listings are compliant, accurate, and up-to-date, sellers can maximize their potential for success on the platform.

Relying on Vserve's Amazon Listing Services, you can fix Amazon suppressed listings and prioritize compliance and accuracy. Sellers can optimize their presence on Amazon to increase their chances of attracting customers and generating sales.

This Blog is inspired by the video: "How To Fix Suppressed Listings On Amazon | Amazon Listing Suppressed Meaning" by "Ways To Sell Online."